I decided to take a break from my usual subject because I have to write something that has been heavy on my heart. While cleaning my home the other day I had our tv on and was watching a particular show - to be honest I can't even tell you what it was! But I am positive my Heavenly Father, in His wonderful grace and mercy, was the cause for me seeing this particular program.The young couple on the TV screen were saying things and the "live" audience was laughing. Upon closer observation I realized the laughter was to the expense of the husband. I know we have all noticed this in our society today - what has happened to our men?! And it isn't because men wont stand up and led (ok maybe in some circumstances). We women have become so overbearing that I believe some men have simply given up.
I couldn't believe my eyes or my ears when the wife said something especially degrading to the husband and the children followed suit. What in the world?!? There was no respect, no love, nothing except cold hearted belittling and emasculating going on.
Yet, it caused me to look at myself and examine my heart. I read a verse from Proverbs 31 the other day and seeing this program caused this verse to come to life in the forefront of my mind. Proverbs 31:11-12 (NLT) "Her husband can trust her, and she will greatly enrich his life. She brings him good, not harm, all the days of her life." Now I know, I can feel all the mental eye rolling going on - yes, yes we've heard this all before, but I don't think we really have. It concerns me that our men are being disrespected greatly and in such a way that it is causing them to simply stop leading. In return, causing women to step up and demand/take control.
I must repent and be honest, because I have been very much like this. I nag my husband and demand things be done my way and no other way will work. I comment on his driving, the way he spends money, the way he puts his clothes away, the way he watches TV, what he watches on TV (usually sports) constantly. I am constantly nagging him about something. I have sinned against him and caused him in some ways to stop leading. But I praise God for His goodness and mercy on me and allowing me to see the error of my ways and to run to the cross and leave that sin (mostly) behind - there are still days I feel myself wanting to take charge. As wives I am sure we have all been in this position. I most of all. But God is working in me and shaping me to be the wife and (future) mother I need to be. I want our children to respect and love their father because they see me loving and respecting him.
Proverbs 27:15-16 (NLT) "A quarrelsome wife is as annoying as constant dripping on a rainy day. Stopping her complaints is like trying to stop the wind or trying to hold something with greased hands." Are we able to stop the wind? No! Even the thought is crazy.
We as women were made to love and encourage our husbands. To support them in everything. And not just our husbands, but to respect other men in our lives as well.
Ruth Graham said, "My job is to love my husband; it's God's job to change him!" How true! My prayer is that I would live this way continually reminding myself that I am not my husband's keeper. God is very capable of teaching and molding him. I have enough things to deal with on my own with myself!!
I will leave you with one last quote. I read it on the Proverbs 31 ministries page, I encourage you, if you haven't already, to take a look at it - it is a great ministry! You can get to it from here. Check it out.
"Today I will be a woman who extends grace. Who holds her tongue. Who tames her anger. Who follows hard after God and walks in His ways, through His strength!"
This was really challenging to me thanks for sharing