Saturday, December 8, 2012

The Happiest Time of the Year and the Saddest

The other night Seth and I watched a Christmas movie, typical for this time of year as I am obsessed with all things Christmas! There was a young boy in the story that was an orphan and desperately wanted a family for Christmas. A family. Something so simple, yet such a large request. I love all of the holiday cheer and decorating, and it seems that this time of year people are just all around nicer to each other. I love shopping for Christmas presents and listening to Christmas music while I wrap them. I love having a cup of coffee and sitting in the living room with nothing else lit but our Christmas tree and just praising God for the wonderful blessings He has given me (something my mom always used to do). I know that Christmas and all of its traditions are fun, but we all know the true meaning of Christmas. That God, in His infinite mercy and grace, sent His One and Only Son to be born of a virgin, to live a sinless, holy life and to die for my sins. Because of this amazing gift and sacrifice, I can live knowing each and every day that I have a Savior who died for me and loves me more than I could ever comprehend. 

But the holidays are a sad time too. My mom always used to say this growing up and, to be honest, I never quite understood where she was coming from, which brings me back to my main point, the movie. I think of all of the children tonight that will go to bed hungry, scared, lonely, and unloved and think, do they even know what Christmas is? Has anyone ever told them the true meaning of Christmas? And it breaks my heart. Children that will never be tucked in by a mommy and daddy, will never hear “I love you”. They will never know the safety and security of a godly home. Yes, presents are always fun to get, but they aren’t lasting. I mean stop and think about Christmases past, how many gifts can you really remember? This is why I am so passionate about adoption!! Lord willing, next year Seth and I will be welcoming children into our home to give them all of that. But most importantly, to share the gospel with them. 

But not just children need to hear the gospel, nor is it just children that are lonely and sad and broken. Let's face it, we live in a broken world with so many hurting people. I get so wrapped up in my own thing that I completely miss those hurting right next to me. What difference would an extra smile make or a kind word? 

As we go about our busy schedules of the holidays and enjoy time with family, let’s remember those in the world whose saddest time of the year is the holidays (because it isn’t just children who don’t have anyone loving them), and let’s pray for them! Pray that somehow, some way they could hear the gospel, pray that God would give you the opportunity to share the gospel. Through all of it that they could know the unfailing love of a Heavenly Father that will never leave them.

Merry Christmas!

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